Thursday, July 28, 2005

Comment Whore

I've told you I'm a comment whore before, right?

So I get into work about 9 a.m. this morning (I was sleeping in come hell or holy water) and what's the first thing I do? I check my Yahoo email account to see if anone commented on my blog. So the front page comes up and there it says "New Mail (5)". I figure at least one comment out of five emails is a good chance, so i click on the hyperlink to veiw the emails comments. All junk mail. I can't beleive how quickly or strongly I reacted. My shoulders slumped, I exhaled a sigh, and the side of my mouth pinched in frustration.

I really think we need to form a 12 step program for blogging. "Hi! My name is Amy and I'm addicted to blog comments. It started harmlessly enough, but before I knew it I was blogging several days a week. Each entry geared to arouse comment from one of my 5 blogging buddies."

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I did follow the advice of some previous comments and took the night off yesterday and slept in this morning. I do feel a bit better, but very emotional because "that time" starts tomorrow. No I'm not talking about paycheck day.

By the way, today is hamburger day get your beef on!!!!


The Butterknife said...

Well, now you know people will comment.

Why is everyone leaving D-land?

The Butterknife said...

Sorry, that's Ali's blog. This is aimeelori