Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Name That Change!

Is it just me or do I look different? (You know what I mean!!!)

This is me a few weeks ago. Same weight. (Yes, I'm a little self absorbed at the moment.)

And me now...

I look different don't I? WTH?!?!

Anyway, other than freaking out that I may be a replacement pod person, I'm doing okay. Have lot of stuff going on. Work is going well. Just tired.

Oh...and I saw Elvis in a Honda driving down Dunlap today.


Mark Brown said...

smile smile, always a pleasure to see your pleasant face.

OK. Older photo.. different lighting, cheeks look puffier, the red glow around face is lighting difference.

(1st shot is about 2 feet away, recent one is about a foot away)

I like the second one myself...


JP said...

Just as cute as always! Ravishing I might add! :)