Tuesday, May 08, 2007

To Blog or Not To Blog

Okay, so, my roommates are having issues. And one of them reads this blog from time to time, but I have to get this out...I just have to! (But I'll be respectful in my vent.)

So...for the past few days, things have been strained at home. Walking on eggshells is a cake walk sometimes compared to the awkwardness that arises from time to time. Things go well for a few days, and then BAM! Something comes up to anger or frustrate one or the other.

I feel for these two...I really do. Their both my good friends, my best friends. And it hurts me to see them both being hurt and frustrated. K, the girlfriend, is much more open about discussing whats going on. Well, come on, she's a chick. We disect everything immensely.

On the other hand, R, the boyfriend, talks about it but I can feel his frustration. Well come'on...he's a boy. It's like he wants to know whats wrong, but without actually doing the talking.

Plus, I'm trying to be there for both of them, without taking sides, offerring solutions (other than you need to communicate more), or just in general pissing anyone off.

It's a bit difficult. And stressful. I really need to stop giving a shit.

(You know I didn't mean that last line. *sigh*)

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

oh come on. lookit me!
I've done my best, well ok, maybe a bit to try and give you/ex support too. and it's a pain at times too

hey i'm up to 169 poems so far!