Thursday, November 17, 2011

First day of South Beach

Weight: 201.4
Mood: Slightly aggravated, but optimistic

Why? Well I had hoped (although not expected) that I would be at least slightly under 201.0 (my weight from yesterday). However, I feel a few things MAY have influenced this small jump: I fasted Tuesday, therefore probably making my body hold onto any food I had the next day, I did not exercise, I had a lot of salt in my meals, and I did not drink as much water as I should have. 

I'm hoping it is one of these things. Plus I realized that at least for the morning I did not stick to the lowfat meats and cheeses. So I'm going to try to stick  with that today. 

Breakfast:Yogurt, cream cheese and celery, coffee w/ creamer
Lunch: Caesar salad w/ chicken, edemame, carrots (?)
Dinner: Turkey burger, edemame, Caesar salad dressing

MFP says I need to eat more calories. If I don't lose from today, I probably will bump them up even though I didn't feel hungry yesterday and I don't plan on starving myself today. We'll see...

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