Monday, December 12, 2005

Okay, okay, enough...

I'm just going to say one thing and leave it at that. I understand what Democracy means. I really do. It's means what the majority wants. Not whats right. Not what the intelligent think is right. Just the majority. I'm just not sure I want to live in a nation in which the majority don't know the meaning of respect.

So this weekend was jam packed with fun!! I'm freakin exhausted.

Saturday was WW (lost again), then hubby napped, I did laundry, cleaned up a little, then we headed out for coffee with some friends (including Bluebert).

We get to the coffee shop and it's freakin closed!!! All of us sitting out there saying, WTF?! because we're massive coffee drinkers. Half an hour later we decide to go bowling.

We had a lot of fun. I was a little concerned about Bluebert though. She got another cold and the poor thing wasn't bowling very well because of it. She kept on plopping down on the chairs and frowning. (Actually it was kind of funny.) She didn't bowl that badly. I've seen much worse.

We also were bowling with R&K. Poor thing was in the hospital last Wednesday, so I was surprised she was up for fun and such. But her and I were neck and neck for top bowlers. She took first game and I took 2nd. I scored around 150-160 the night, which is not bad for not bowling in at least two years.

Then we headed over to R&Ks for Trivial Pursuit Pop Edition. Such fun was had!! We didn't get home until 2:30 a.m.

Sunday I woke up at Noon, left to go visit my mom, then visited hubby's mom, then back home at about 9:30 p.m.

I'm exhausted. Ta, ta, loverlies!!


Ms. Adventures said...

Sounds like a productive weekend, fun anyway.

Congrats on your loss with WW! In the meantime I gorged myself on chocolate to the point I made myself sick! HA! It was awful. I'm starting over fresh this week :)

The fabric of my life said...

Ah takes me back to my pre-children days, when you can meet up with buddies and play. Glad you had such a nice weekend Onyx and well done for losing again :-)