Monday, December 12, 2005

Political Rant

Now most of you who know me, know that usually I don't go all political on this blog. However, today I am making an exception. Lemme give you a few reasons why I'm pissed off at good old America lately...

Granted I want to quit smoking some day. I do agree that smoking is bad for your health, but guess what? So is being overweight, watching too much television, getting drunk all the time. I can understand a company being concerned with health costs on smokers. I can see both sides of the picture. But ya know what? Last time I checked this was SUPPOSED to be a free country. If the smokers (and yes, that includes me at the moment) want to smoke, then let them. But if the company has to pay extra, then stop paying extra. Tell everyone at the company you're switching to a cafeteria style plan. Everyone gets x amount of dollars and the rest they have to pay for themselves. They chose to smoke, let them foot the extra cost. Don't go firing people for a FREAKIN LEGAL SUBSTANCE!!!!!

No wait, I changed my mind. Let's start firing overweight people, because it's proven that they too incur more costs. How about people with Diabetes? It's they're own damn fault they don't take care of themselves. And let's not cover family plans or maternity, because we all know that children have TONS of costs.,1,3433085.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Damn that kid for being bilingual. I mean hey, if the kid wants to show off his skills then he should speak French or Latin. But espanol?! Damn him.

Oh wait, he does speak English? Yeah, but come'on he spoke spanish here. Doesn't he know that we hold an unequal bias against hispanics here in America?

As a matter of fact it's probably better to be black than brown these days. WTF?!?! In any other situation this kid would have been applauded for knowing two languages and speaking them fluently. But heaven forbid, the second language should be spanish!! What is wrong with you people?!

You know, I was going to find a few other news stories and put them up here and comment about them....but why bother? The state of the union is disgusting nowadays. Here's some general reasons why:

War - We're declared a war on a nation that didn't want our help. In doing so we've fostered a new culture that has actually taken away women's rights. Our boys are getting slaughtered by the minute and we've totally tanked our spending. We've spent so much on the war, that it has effected us double-fold with...

Katrina - It's been three months, and some neighborhoods still aren't open for people to go back and look at the devastation that was their homes. Funding has been restricted in some areas. The initial massacre was awful. And yes, I call what Brownie and the gov't did to our people down there a massacre.

Immigration - Does any one, any one, remember what the Statue of Liberty stands for in this nation? "Give us your" mean anything to you? How can you claim to be American and refuse rights to today's immigrants that were afforded your ancestors not too long ago? If it weren't for the immigrants, we wouldn't have an America. (Sidenote: No immigrants? No problem. We can easily resolve this. Everyone out but the native americans!! What? You don't like that? Tough shit, it wasn't ours to begin with. Dumb fucks!)

Accepted Bias - Okay, so let me get this straight. I can't treat anyone differently due to race, religion, age, political party, but I can be biased towards people on their personal choices, such as not eating healthy and smoking? Is that right? Hmmm, could you point me towards the fucker that said it was okay to treat anyone differently based on rights they were given in the first place? I mean we're not talking illegal substances here (and yes, that's a debate for another time). You're reprimanding them for a choice they made about a lifestyle that is legal and allowing big business (*cough insurance companies cough*) to run it all. Fuckers!

Okay, okay enough. I'm exhausted from all the disgust my poor little mind and heart has had to feel in response to all this crap. I could go further (*whisper by the way, women make less on average than men do since Bush started in office, and don't give me that whole manternity leave crap whisper*), but I won't, I can't.

Maybe it's time for good old Onyx to become politically active, huh? Try to make a change? Wait a second, is that maturity? Hmmmm....

Talk to guys later!!!

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