Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Earworm and Appreciation

An earwork is defined as a song that is just so catchy you can't get it out of your head.

A definition is what speakers use to introduce a topic if they are not intelligent enough to come up with any other form of communication to describe a topic.

I just had to get that out. I'm sick and tired of speakers introducing topics by giving a dictionary definition of it first. Augh!!!!

Anwyay, I can't get Kanye West's Golddigger out of my head. Especially since I saw him on Ellen and deemed him completely worthy of his fame and fortune.


So hubby and I were heading into work today and I had a tiny epiphany. Hubby had the radio station set to classical. Some beautiful song was on that was definately created in the 1800s or earlier.

Then it hit me how fortunate we really are. Back in the day, musicians would create and play music for only the highest of society. Unless you were a somebody you were stuck only listening to Irish jigs and sleezy songs.

But today, we have such a variety of information at our finger tips and we just take it for granted. At the touch of a button we can listen to any type of music we feel like, without having to be royalty or a special guest.

Don't even get me started on the internet!

Well gotta get to workin. Until later, "I ain't sayin she a golddigger, golddigger, but she ain't going with some broke a'n, broke a'n"

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