Life has been interesting lately, to say the least.
My emotions range from depressed to giddy to dazed and confused.
The first couple of days after hubby lost his job, I was numb. I didn't want to talk to anyone. But I didn't feel scared or depressed.
Then hubby got depressed and this made me sad. He would just work in front of the computer. During these times I been in kind of a, "What does it all mean?" state of mind.
Yesterday, we found out he won't even be getting unemployment benefits. THAT made me a bit nervous.
Today, he finally got an interview. It was over the phone, but I could hear a bit of hope in his voice. This settled me a bit.
Other than that...I'm just tired. I'm not sad, but it just seems that when everything is going smoothly, something sideswipes you.
Granted we could have a lot worse happen to us. But I just keep wondering, when will he get a job? will we be able to pay bills? when will he get out of this funk? when will I?
Anyway, just a tip...Brazil may have been funky, but if you're not in a cheerful mood to begin with, don't watch The Weatherman. It's a bit American Beauty....but more depressing.
Wait A Minute
Either he was FIRED, (and is eligible for Unemployment) or he quit. (and isn't eligible).
(unless he's been employed for less then a Year [at least in NY/NJ])
And that year requirement might mean that he can file under a PREVIOUS employer!
Don't panic. Just Grab a towel!
Life is a ride. Just don't let it take you unexpected
Yep... Markbnj is right.
Fired = Unemployment
Quit = Nada
Severence = Lucky SOB
Don't fret Onyx...things will work themselves out and you'll come out smelling like roses. :)
Yeah, he got laid off, but his job was only for a few months. I told him to give the unemployment office a call back, because that just doesn't seem right.
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