Thursday, March 30, 2006

Where do we go from here?

Life has been interesting lately, to say the least.

My emotions range from depressed to giddy to dazed and confused.

The first couple of days after hubby lost his job, I was numb. I didn't want to talk to anyone. But I didn't feel scared or depressed.

Then hubby got depressed and this made me sad. He would just work in front of the computer. During these times I been in kind of a, "What does it all mean?" state of mind.

Yesterday, we found out he won't even be getting unemployment benefits. THAT made me a bit nervous.

Today, he finally got an interview. It was over the phone, but I could hear a bit of hope in his voice. This settled me a bit.

Other than that...I'm just tired. I'm not sad, but it just seems that when everything is going smoothly, something sideswipes you.

Granted we could have a lot worse happen to us. But I just keep wondering, when will he get a job? will we be able to pay bills? when will he get out of this funk? when will I?

Anyway, just a tip...Brazil may have been funky, but if you're not in a cheerful mood to begin with, don't watch The Weatherman. It's a bit American Beauty....but more depressing.


Mark Brown said...

Wait A Minute

Either he was FIRED, (and is eligible for Unemployment) or he quit. (and isn't eligible).

(unless he's been employed for less then a Year [at least in NY/NJ])

And that year requirement might mean that he can file under a PREVIOUS employer!

Don't panic. Just Grab a towel!
Life is a ride. Just don't let it take you unexpected


JP said...

Yep... Markbnj is right.
Fired = Unemployment
Quit = Nada
Severence = Lucky SOB

Don't fret Onyx...things will work themselves out and you'll come out smelling like roses. :)

Onyx said...

Yeah, he got laid off, but his job was only for a few months. I told him to give the unemployment office a call back, because that just doesn't seem right.
