Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sorry, life has been busy!!

Hmm, where did I leave off at? Oh yes, got some on the weekend, busy on Monday. Wow! Time passes quickly!!
I got back into my comic strip again. I seem to have hit another philosophical stage in my life. On Monday I was reading a book about self-actualization, and I realized all the things in my life I never seemed to have time for; but if I had just done them, I probably would have finished or have them up and running right now. Therefore, I set up my desk and started to strip again. Comic strip of course. Eventually I'll share but I'm keeping this little project close in the meantime.

Also, a friend of mine heard my angst ridden wailing and has agreed to come over Sunday and start me on guitar lessons. I suppose I'll have to buy a starter guitar pretty soon, but I'm psyched about this.

This week has been pretty hectic as my boss hired some help for me. When she first mentioned hiring someone I thought she was just trying to be nice in saying they were hiring him for me. Little did I last four days have been busy getting this person up to speed. At least he's smart and nice. Reminds me of Peter Sarsgaard.

Hubby had an eye doctor appt today. He has an issue with his eyes that could predispose him to retinal detachment. That's the bad news. The good news is that they can do laser surgery and weld his retina so it doesn't detach. So cross your fingers for him that everything will go well.

My buddy Blueberri has got sumthin, sumthin going on with her very first boyfriend. I'm probably driving her nuts talking about it all the time, but I'm happy for her. She seems happy...and a bit blushy when I talk to her about him. We are going to see a comedian this weekend and finally get to meet the guy. Blueberry - forewarn him that an application and urine sample will be required. Nobody but the best for my buddies!! (Just kidding, we'll go easy on the guy.)

Anyway, I think that's all for now. Have tons of work to catch up to now that I have 'help'. LOL. *sigh*


The fabric of my life said...

Thanks I feel better now. It was a bit disturbing to see me killed off!! hahahaha ;-) Is Hippo not blogging anymore? Should I take her off my blogroll?

blueberi said...

I hope Rob's eyes get better. Is he still liking his job?

I can't wait til Saturday. I hope you guys like him cause I like him a lot. I've been bad and I've been over there every night expect for tuesday. And that was just because I needed sleep and so did he.

lettuce said...

Peter Sarsgaard - yum!