Monday, May 01, 2006

Less Blogging = More Life

Busy was the word for this weekend. Let's see, how shall we start off?

Our division had an annual meeting. Free food, a few speeches, and three games of bowling. (Today I found out I won high scratch score for ladies.) That was fun.

Woke up early Saturday morning...on my own. Cleaned house. Received call from mom. Brother found with major prescription drugs stolen from mother and mother's roommate on school campus. Cops coming Monday. Not good to say the least. In addition, he's two months shy of his 18th birthday and one month shy of graduating from high school. If they try him, they most likely try him as an adult. Promised mom I would call back Sunday to discuss.

That night I got to meet a friend's boyfriend. Out of respect for my friend I won't go into details, but let's just say it didn't go too well.

After that, on my way home a couple of other friends called and we ended up at 5 & Diner. I was freakin starving. We hung out for a few hours, then I went home, read a romance book, then went to bed.

Went to WW. Gained 1.2 pounds. Went to Denny's with a friend. Then came home, and talked to said friend above about last night's events. Then 5 & Diner friends came over to give me my very first official guitar lesson. Nails got in the aftwerwards, I had them removed. Tips, people! Geez!!

Then came home, ran some errands, and fell asleep during Family Guy. Thank God for Tivo!!

Anyway, that was the shortened version. I'm freakin exhausted but happy. Talk to ya all later!!


Madwag said...

hmmmm ... your bro sounds like he wants attention.?! He is still yong.
Tried to call you today... but you are working.. it is a holiday here. Sorry about that... xoxoxoxox

lettuce said...

We went bowling today! was excellent fun. I sucked - I did get a double strike in the second game, but still came 3rd (out of 6) so that tells you how crap the rest of my game was.

Sorry about your brother, that must be worrying.

Just love Family Guy, especially Stewie and his plan to topple the matriarchy!!