Monday, July 31, 2006

How much work contitutes as OT?

I'm sitting in bed in the dark, with hubby fast asleep next to me. I'm being blinded by the bright light of my laptop, am exhausted, but figured I'd add a blog entry before collapsing asleep.

Tonight was definately busy. We had to stop by FedEx after work, because the last of hubby's computer stuff came. He is officially set up for freelancing now. His job is good at PetsMart however, he is still try to quench that design thirst that never seems to diminish. So I have encouraged him to start doing freelance work in hopes that he'll be able to stretch his artistic legs and show the world his promise.

I have no idea why I'm being so descriptive tonight. Must be the need for sleep.

Anyway...gonna catch some Zs. Don't forget to check the lastest strip at


Madwag said...

we have a petsmart here but it is called pets at home... you can still take your dog in to do shopping...and it looks like petsmart.
my hubby is making burnt toast and eggs at the moment.... and thinking about ripping apart our bathroom to put in a new one.
I miss you a lot

blueberi said...

hey, did you mean I should stop by CVS to check out the eye candy? I know one of the guys in the pharmacy is very cute.

Onyx said...

mad - that sounds like a fun project. You'll hav to send pics when you're done.

blue - yeah, this was the photo lab guy. I'd say this guy was the Dove chocolate of eye candy.

cloudy - I think your right. But then again I think that's the genius of the name and logo. Very memorable.

Mark Brown said...

Hi Dear.

Well What constitutes OT?

In my former life in "Corporate America", it was expected that you put in at least 1 hr per day extra. If you wound up staying 2-3 hrs, then it MIGHT be compensated by "unpaid time off"

So much for management.
I made more when I was in the union.
Should never have taken all those promotions