Tuesday, July 18, 2006


With my strip. But I think I've said that before.

By the way, I was thinking of putting together an RSS feed or something for anyone who wants to post my daily strip on their site. Anyone interested? If so, let me know and I'll get to building the code right away.

Anyhoo...hubby's first day went...well, quite frankly, it went okay. Nothing great. As he says, and I quote (see the quote marks...right here), --> "It's a job." Well, it could be worse. Of course, the first day is always nerve-wracking. And I don't blame him. Sounds like no one was really friendly.

I just get so frustrated with people. What happened to the good old days when you introduced the new guy to everyone then a group of you invited him to lunch to initiate him? My hubby spent his lunch alone and then *sniff* went back to work early because there was no one to talk to. Bastards!!! I know...I'm extremely protective of him. We need a kid.

Well back to work. Ho, hum.

By the way, can't make up my mind. For my next series of strips I'm either going to focus around a series of bad dates with Blue or a merger with drama at Suzie's work. Anyone have a preference?


Susan said...

That reminds me of one of the start-ups I worked at. The entire company went to lunch when I was hired. I was completely alone; they came back and said “Why weren’t you at the 'Welcome to the company' lunch?” Come to find out they threw me a lunch, but left my name off of the email list!

Onyx said...

I can't believe that! Geesh!!

Madwag said...

I don't know what an RSS feed is to be honest... I keep seeing stuff about it but dont' get it.

I broke one of my back teeth last winter trying to open a pastachio nut... (sp?)... my gum grew over the part that broke off so the dentist had to push it away and add some tooth back to it... and make the gum go normal again so that I can get a crown.

That sucks being left alone at lunch... poor hubby.

Do a stip about you and I... the old days... but not my old job!!! what about bowling heckeling or something like that...lol

Onyx said...

That's a great idea!!