Friday, September 01, 2006

When it rains, it pours...

Okay, well not literally in Arizona. Figuratively.

So hubby had a followup at the dentist today. I wanted to chew his head off because he scheduled the appt this morning, and didn't tell me until I got out of the shower. Partially I'm pissed because I had to work form home this morning. And partially because I thought we were running late and didn't wash my hair. This is the third day. Supposedly you're only supposed to wash twice a week, but man, I feel skanky.

Last night the dog got out...again. It was the rain. She hates it. Which is weird because she breaks out and runs IN it. So from now on, no more wet doggies.

Yesterday we got a lovely peice of mail from the City saying we had to take care of our dead tree. We knew we had to, and our house doesn't look THAT bad, but man our neighbors piss me off. I told hubby once it was trimmed, I'm going to put a whole bunch of pink flamingoes and garden gnomes out there. No city ordinance about that. Fuckers!

Of course, I'll never do it, but it's nice to dream. Maybe I should just for a week or so to get them really nervous. Assholes.

Anyway, we called around for someone to trim the tree and guess what? It's dead. Disease ridden. So just to remove and dispose of this is $300. For that much money I expect a eulogy and some damn good Irish whiskey to accompany it.

In addition to that, hubby says if we want the tree (oops, better clarify the tree for my's the grapefruit, not the other one...but that one's looking pretty sparse too after this horrible summer we had), so if we want to replace the tree with another, we'd have to treat the soil. Get rid of the disease. And then we have to make that difficult decision on whether to replace it with another big one (another $300) or a smaller one.

We love our house. We just hate being off the street. And considering we have to refinance anyway this month, we may just go all out and get the front landscaped. Wouldn't that be loverly?!

Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Madwag said...

I remeber that post Cloudy!!!

How come you guys can't cut the tree down yourself? I would.