Monday, April 23, 2007

Culture Abound!

So Saturday night my roommates/BFFs had to go to Nascar. For days they complained about how boring and hickish it was going to be.

(For those of you who don't know me that well, my father was a racecar driver. Super-modified, but nonetheless. The first car I sat behind the wheel was a racecar, granted I was like a week old. I have fond memories of going to the dirt track with my father's family. So needless to say, racing is in my blood. I did tell them I liked racing but 312 laps was a little too much for even me. Oh, but I digress...)

So all week long I was hampered by the idea that my Saturday night was going to be sitting alone watching Tivo and snuggling with the dog. I racked my brain for any friends I could go out with but they either already had plans or just weren't the 'going out clubbing on a Saturday night' type of friend.

Saturday rolls around and I start thinking positively about my circumstances. I start to think of all the things I could get accomplished Saturday night. Clean house, do laundry, wash the carpets, get a cartoon done, learn guitar...

Just as I was getting settled in, the other roommate and his girlfriend are getting ready for their Saturday night escapades. They turn to me and say, "Hey, we're going to watch some belldancers tonight, the girlfriend is performing. Would you care to join us?"

Hmmm, hell yeah!

So we load up in the car and end up at a Middle Eastern resteraunt with a stage, some tables, and hookahs. The place was packed. We finally found seats and watched the girls. It was extremely interesting. The only odd thing was that when the dancers approached us dancing, I didn't know where to look. I kept worrying, "Should I look at her eyes? Because it seems a little lecherous to look at her body. But isn't that the point? Is looking in her eyes too weird? Do I lean back? Lean forward? Put a dollar in her sari?" I kept imagining the dancers going off stage and warning the others of the freaky redhead who was looking in odd places.

Towards the end of the night, they brought on a live band and an extremely accomplished bellydancer. Word is that she was Bellydancer of the Universe a few years back, and you could tell. We also had chicken kebob sandwiches and greek rice. It was awesome! So much so, I'm craving it now.

BTW, the next day when I talked to the other roommates they thoroughly enjoyed Nascar. I promised to take them to the dirt tracks sometime, buy them some Bud Light and give them mullets.

Hope you guys had as awesome a weekend as I did!


Cloudy said...


Madwag said...

Hey... when you find out when you will be here...lemme know asap! that way I can see what there is to do and what is going on... summer here is so fab!