Friday, August 24, 2007

My roommates are exhausting me!

Okay, well it's not that bad...but we have been going out for dinner just about every night. Plus the whole weekend is booked. I have things to do, but quite honestly not the oomph to do them.

Anyways, last night was fun but tiring. Got home, and Kris immediately had a conniption fit. His XBox died. The red ring of death showed up. So he borrowed my phone to call Microsoft, and waited on hold for a freaking hour. I know it was an hour because we had the phone on speaker and the minutes were counting off on the display. Last time I checked it, it said: 00:53:49. And we still had to wait after that.

Unfortunately while we were on hold, Karrie called. I offerred to take them both out to dinner but we had yet to set a place or time. The first call came through and Kris didn't recognize the number, so he continued to wait on hold with M$. When the next call came through we wondered what was up and answered it (thank God for automatic call waiting). After rushing Karrie through the call (which I felt really bad about because she had been trying to get ahold of us, both of her cell phones were dead and she was about to leave work); we quickly switched over to the other line...and found out we were still on hold.

Finally Kris got in touch with them, they tried a few things, then threw their hands up in the air and told him to ship the unit. This is the best part. This is a known issue with the XBox, so shipping is free, the repair is free and they're giving him a gift card for his time. Katamari here we come!

Okay, so we head out at the last minute to meet Karrie at the resteraunt. It was a place I had never been to before but had coupons for (yes, I'm that kind of person). I was expecting something much different. It was a loud sports bar, but with plenty of eye candy.

After finishing our meal (which apparently was delish because I finished everything on my plate), we spotted the guy who sold us our cars. Nice guy. Stinky adorable. We went to say hi, then Kris started asking him about some check of his they were supposed to cash. Karrie and I admonished him, then said our goodbyes and walked out the door.

Next on the agenda? Wal-Mart. Karrie has a large contest to put on Saturday, and had to get lots of prizes. So we ended up browsing the store for a good amount of time. I was tired, her ankle was hurting, and Kris had to meet us back at the store because I had his house key. She did buy my a really cute Beatles t-shirt though. Can't beat those Wal-Mart prices.

We get home, I crash, Kris cruises the internet, and Karrie is cursing her computer. I tried to help her with it but to no avail. So I gave up around 11, read two pages of the new book I got from Wal-Mart and then slept. I was incredibly tempted to call in today. I'm so tired. But I have way to much to do.

So...5 positive things for the day:
1. I didn't do so badly on my diet yesterday. Granted I pigged out last night for dinner, but most of the day I was pretty good.
2. I have money again, even if shortly.
3. My weekend is all booked up of fun stuff to do.
4. I think the sales guy likes me. He keeps on pressuring us to come by for a free car wash. It's always nice to get attention from a cute guy.
5. Breakfast was free today. A vendor brings in bagels every Friday. I love me some bagels.

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

Ya mean bagels can now be found WEST of the ROCKIES?

I thought there was a law against that...
