Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I thought I was lazy...

So this morning I decided I was going to sleep in...again. Fortunately my job allows me to do this as I am salary and really can set my own hours as long as they add up to forty by the end of the week. Well...fortyish. Really thirtish.

Anyway, this morning was not very relaxing. I thought I was bad with alarms. I had no idea when we allowed our roommate to stay with us that he had hearing of an 80 year old man with tons of ear hair. He lets his alarm (which I can hear through my wall) go for about thirty minutes or when I bang on his door, usually whichever one is the most annoying.

After banging on his door and hitting my snooze alarm, I hear a phone go off. It's hubby's phone alarm in hubby's office. So I have to get up yet again to go switch the torture device off.

Finally I decide it's time for me to wake up. I get showered and dressed by about 8:20 a.m. A quick stop off for cigs and Coke (breakfast of champions) and I get into work a little before 9 a.m.

I do a check for my boss. She's not here. I get into my cubie and notice that my workmate is still not here either. And I was worried that I was late. Ah, ha, ha, ha...

It is now 9:30 and the boss just made it in and I have yet to see the workmate.

Isn't work wonderful?? I love working here. You know, aside from the crappy coffee and annoying's all good.

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!


Ms. Adventures said...

sounds nice! Wouldn't mind doing things that way but then again I'm not salary.

blueberi said...
