Monday, June 19, 2006

Another Friend Gone MIA...

Okay, perhaps I am a little overly sensitive lately, but WTF?! Well, that's a little harsh...What the heck?!

So I have had two friends go MIA in the past six months. First was a close friend of mine who is now in Oklahoma. I have emailed him at work and home...and nothing. Guess I should have gotten a clue when he got a new phone and has neither called me or told me his new phone number. Although he has emailed me a few times, and those emails did not include the words, "restraining order" or "I'm moving to Africa", I thought our friendship still existed. But I have not heard from him in quite awhile.

I addition to that friend, one of my very good friend from two jobs prior has not been returning my phone calls. Okay, well until yesterday it was phone call (single), but I called her twice yesterday (once at home and once on her cell) and I haven't received a response back. Fuck!!

And're becoming close to MIA...cancelling third Sat. BBQ (if was just one friend you could have brought them over)....cancelling WW...what the heck?! :-p

Yeah, I know. But I AM really sensitive right now. It just seems one other thing to worry about. I just need to chill. I really need that vacation. Maybe I could pretend short-term mental insanity for some FMLA...oh wait, no need to pretend!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I wonder if it's a cosmic thing, I've had a couple of friends just disappear too! Very strange. Love the comics btw, I can especially relate to the dressing the cat one!