Thursday, June 15, 2006

On days like this...

I really question my chosen profession.

Let's see it's, uh...9:30 a.m. and I got in at about 8:30 a.m. which normally wouldn't be too bad, but I was up until THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!! WORKING!!!

Ugh!!! Still working on the project that kept me up all night. Fuckin corporate guys.

So you all know I don't talk about work that much. Because of all the stupid freakin lawsuits going around. is an exception.

So one of the big-wigs, or as I like to call them...muckety-mucks...decides he needs a big ass report and tomorrow morning is not soon enough to get this done. So far we had three people working from 4 p.m. to 3 a.m. and again this morning working on it. Fucker! He puts it in at 3 p.m. yesterday and asks for it the

This is the same project that took us a week to pull together the first time. Ugh!!!!!!

So if you don't here from me it's because I'm either stark raving mad from lack of sleep, or sleeping on my keyb h hsd klhdfkjsdhfksf


Ms. Adventures said...

no wonder everything is so hard for you right now! (per previous posts) They've got you workin like a DAWG! POOR YOU! HUGS!

OH and BTW my newest mantra (as to avoid eating what I shouldn't) is: the only one you're cheating is yourself; the only one you're cheating is yourself.-- That one's good right!? Put a guilt trip on myself LOL!

Madwag said...

man that sucks... Julian is facing something like that at work today... just yesterday they fired the 24 on call centre and told the managers that now they have to be on call 24/7 .... like.... WTF?????? He already works his ass off and why should he work 24 hrs a day for the same bloody pay????