Monday, June 19, 2006

I think "Patience" will be our first kid's name...or maybe "Itsaboutdamntime"

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

Dear Dear,
Let's see.
You can borrow my youngest.

he's now out of diapers, patience, and chances.
Well. I guess we all say that.
But school is officially out, and I am typing on the laptop in Dining room while I watch the (sometimes) angelic boy sleep peacefully..-sometimes the only time he's peaceful with me.

I was once told a cute story, when I had infants--by the parents of an older kid.
I'll pass on this bit of wisdom for you.

The reason god gives us infants that:
can't talk
can't move
can't complain--scratch that, they cry
can't talk BACK to us

IS because if they came to us as TEENAGERS:

We'd either:
a) knife them to death
b) scream bloody murder, and call the police
c) kill ourselves and wonder where we went wrong
d) All of the above.

markie mark out east!

But the time will come for your delightul cat substitute too!