Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Still Adjusting...

Has it really only been 5 days?! It seems like much longer...a month at least.

I have settled in somewhat at my new home. Everything is unpacked. The room is starting to looked lived in. Even the cats are coming out. But I feel like I'm in a state of pause.

Hubby calls and txts me every day. He seems to be doing well, which is what I had hoped for. For him to be able to see that he is capable and strong.

I'm not really sure where I'm at. I feel like I just want to shutdown from everything. Take a weeklong nap. I'm exhausted but have a little bit of difficulties telling myself when to sleep. I stay up with my roommates late into the night (come 'on 12 is late for an old coot like me!)

I feel antsy, but not really sure what to do. Just as he is finding out who he is, I too am finding out who I am. What I like. What my habits are. Certain habits are hard to break. I still find myself hardly eating anything at home. I always feel like I need to go out. When I think of buying groceries, I have no idea where to even start (hubby did not buy groceries except one day at a time.)

I find myself hermitting up at home, looking around at the walls, just thinking "what do I do now?" Of course, this isn't all the time. Some nights I go out with hubby, sometimes just a group of friends. But I seem to be attaching myself to my friends right now. I'll allow myself to do that for the first week or so, but I really need to find my own path eventually.

Hubby and I have another date on Friday. Not sure what we're going to do yet. We'll see.


blueberi said...

I think you need to get yourself some sleep. Sleep is good.

Mark Brown said...

You'll hate me for this...

Enter your zip code HERE

and get the closest Dance Dance Revolution machine to your house.

Figure to bring $20.00 in quarters with you. Each round will start costing you about $1.00 to 2.00 each.

GO for 2 hrs head to head... see how he likes it!

---and blueberi is right... get some sleep...
and take care

Susan said...

Ah a nap! That sounds like the perfect thing! Enjoy the quiet and do what you need to do for YOU. I have a feeling your path will find its way all by itself.

Ms. Adventures said...

Hang in there girl. If you know you're doing the right thing, then try to live a little. Go shopping for fun stuff (not groceries),pick up a hobby (cough*working out*cough), volunteer somewhere to help someone else. DOING is what gets your mind settled, I promise you.

Keep up the good work.

Mark Brown said...

Ms. Adventure:

My daughter decided DDR was for her, and lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks...
(a start...)