Saturday, August 27, 2005

Childish Phrases

Okay, so what's up with adults using child words?

I have heard the word "caca" twice this week. Everytime I hear (or read) it, it makes me stop dead in my tracks and give a WTF?! look to whomever is issuing it.

For anyone using this immature adjective to describe shit, please let me offer up some other words that may be useful other than the profane and idiotic slang term used by two year olds:

- poop
- feces
- crud
- excrement
- muck
- refuse
- feculence
- foul matter
- crap
- number 2
- log
- and my all time favorite..simply SHIT

Okay. So now you know.


Tanya said...

Opps, sorry, but caca is french! You'd hate to live here, it's the norm for what a child does in it's nappy, even Titch says caca :-)

Onyx said...

Okay, okay. I will accept caca if your primary language is not English. I mean, any word, regardless of how foul it normally is, sounds better in any accented language.

theBlueNibble said...

G (g_samsa i have decided to call u by that name from now on) is my walking talking encyclopedia SAMSIca. u r super cool man. and u can always trust onyx to come up with hilarious posts. Onyx u have made me wiser ... atleast i know half a doezon synonyms for No. 2. Hope it helps me in the GRE tests !!