Sunday, August 14, 2005


Wow...I' the response to a...Starbucks comment. Hmmmm....

LOL. Just kidding, I love coffee as every American should. Any American preferring tea is a freakin traitor. And as any American, I loves my Starbucks.


However, let me say this, being the coffee connoisseur that I am...

Starbucks is NOT the end all and be all of coffee. Starbucks serves one purpose: that the coffee you get at one Starbucks is going to be the same that you get at a Starbucks across the way. However, a bad things about Starbucks? Because they are so large, they have to acquire beans in large quantities. Therefore the bean they use is far inferior than what you're local coffee shop has.

Local coffee shops can get beans from much better places because they do not require millions of pounds of beans.

Take my word for it. The best lattes I ever had were just right across the street from my old work. The coffee, ad Hippo says, was super lush. Very fresh. For some reason, ever since Starbucks got really large, they're coffee almost tastes stale or burnt. And they flavor it too much with sweeteners that now you can't taste the coffee anymore.

It's still good for a quickie, but for really good fucking coffee, go to your local coffee shop.

Oh and the best way to make coffee??

1) Buy fresh beans. Don't even consider getting it already ground.

2) Grind it right before you make it. If you've ever ground beans yourself and smelled the aroma coming from the beans right as you grind them up, as you know, it's almost orgasmic. (Don't tell my husband, but sometimes a really good latte is as good as sex. As a matter of fact I should try those together. Damn!!!)

3) For the love of God, don't use an automatic drip!!! That's coffee sacrilege!!! Use one of these babies: a coffee press. It's extremely easy to use and much easier to clean. And the coffee comes out so freakin good, almost frothy.

4) Use good water. If you've ever lived in AZ, then you know what I mean. The water we have out of the tap is nearly sludge. Now you don't have to go out and get artisan water (rolls eyes) but you should get something that you can stand drinking straight.

5) Know your beans. Do you like light coffees or dark coffees? Are you more of an espresso type of person, or decaf all the way?? The best thing about making your own coffee is that you can try all different types. You go to Starbucks, and have them make you coffee, and you get maybe only three different types, two if you just want straight coffee.

Now let me digress here. You say what? If I go to Starbucks I only get two types of regular coffees?? But surely a great coffee house would have all types of coffees. They don't even freakin have a light, medium, and dark roast to choose from. Guess what you're choices are?? Decaf and Regular. Like it was freakin gas!!!! That alone should steer you away from the coffee hypocrites. Any great lover of coffee would offer at least four types of brew...AT LEAST. Light, Medium, and Dark Roast. And decaf. Beyond that they should carry flavored coffees. And various types of brew from organic to espresso.


So now you know. Go get loaded on caffeine now..the only socially acceptable drug.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

and if you want a really really good fucking coffee nip over to spain, it's the best!