Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Making Strides

Figured I needed to start documenting my life again since I'm trying so many changes.

I do have to say, I felt great yesterday! Like move your booty and run around great. I honestly didn't think I would get there again. Like ever. It's highly encouraging.

Why? Well I didn't drink water unfortunately, so I bet if I did that...I'd feel like I was on Cloud 9. However, I did watch what I ate. Didn't gorge myself. For the most part didn't eat a lot of sugar. Had mostly protein and low carb stuff. And it helped.

Now mornings are still rough for me. Just so darn tired in the mornings, but I think it's time to sit back and figure what I want. Do I really care if I get a late start in the day? I don't think so. It's time to start listening to my body.

Its saying and has always said, "Sleep is for mornings, productivity is for at night. Stop trying to fit yourself in everyone's mold."

Oddly enough, it's funny how our habits are defined earlier and we end up doing things without realizing why we started them in the first place. Apparently my mother used to make Donna and I recite the Lords Prayer on the way to school and it just stuck. I now do it pretty much every night before bed. Well because partially, "This is the way we pray." But still...

So onwards and upwards. I need to sit down and figure out what works best for me, what I want to do, and where I want to go. Most important right now, is just feeling better. If I have the energy to do things, then I can do them.

Sidenote: Apparently I'm much more productive too. I keep looking at my lists and they are not all that bad. Odd. Well keep on, keeping on.

Good day!
High energy!