Monday, May 28, 2007

All in all a pretty good weekend

So, Friday was fairly uneventful. Lemme see if my memory goes back that far...

Friday morning I dropped R off at his friends so they could head out towards Mexico way. That morning was actually a little eventful considering he semi-lost his wallet right before he left. After a quick call to K, they found the wallet in her car and all was right with the world again.

Work was a hassle. Extremely busy plus a fire drill. But I was so tapped out that even my boss told me to go home early and get some rest. Much needed.

Friday night I headed over to Ks work to pick her up and we went to a BBQ at Cs. Both of us were exhausted but we had a good time. I was first out at poker, but it was all good as I was surrounded by friends and fun.

Saturday we took care of some errands, then went and got our nails done. Came back to the house and just napped and relaxed. Nighttime rolls around and we get ready for Cirque De Soleil! I've been wanting to see this for quite some time. It was admittadly maybe a little too ambiguous for me but I still enjoyed it. Afterwards K and I spent what must have been an hour talking outside. It's very unusual, but both of us admitted to the incredible symbiotic nature of the relationship between the three of us. It's always nerve-wracking taking in a roommate, even K admitted this. But for whatever reason all of us get along really great. We all seem to be able to provide the support that we all need.

Afterwards we rented Nothing But Trouble, an old favorite of mine. Then crashed.

Sunday morning we slept in. Then headed over to the art museum. K had never visited the Phoenix Art Museum so I felt a bit honored to be the first to take her. We spent about four hours walking around and finally heard back from R. He sounded a bit...exhausted? dissapointed? Not sure, but it was nice to know he was doing okay and not busy being someone's bitch in Mexico prison.

We stayed up late watching Pan's Labyrinth and Anklebiters (both a must see, but the last one purely for the entertainment value of what a crappy movie it is.) Then crashed once again.

Today will be spent working from home and going to the dog park. One last day of semi-relaxation before getting back to work. This rest was definately needed. And the reconnect to one of my closest friends.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Could I please...

just have one night away from friends where I don't go schitzo??

So last night, I volunteered to go do something last night to allow the roommates one night alone together before R left for his big holiday weekend. This is not a problem. I was a little upset that I couldn't find anyone else to go with, but quite frankly I need to learn to have fun by myself (and no, not that, I already have that base covered.)

Anyway, the night was actually progressing along pretty well. I got a few books at the bookstore. Went and got a massage. Then went to go see "28 Weeks Later" at the movie theatre. Doing good, until the credits roll, the lights come up, I look around...and nothing but couples. My Gawd! I bawled like a baby.

Stupid thoughts kept entering my head (and here's where I probably get more truthful with you than I may have ever in my blog), I just felt so lonely. To the core. I was bawling all the way home, into the apartment, on the floor, working, smoking, on the cat. Eventually, I fell asleep. Usually when I wake up things are better. But no. Not today.

I wake up and the tears just start falling again. I'm telling myself to buck up. Stop being ridiculous. It's my choice to be happy. Nothing is working.

I am feeling better now. Still a little teary. I just feel like a freakin 16 year old again. You remember the times don't you? It really is ridiculous. I have friends. I have great friends. I have marvelous friends. Oh for craps sake! I hate being a girl.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fun-filled packed weekend

So...R is going out of town this weekend, so K and I have to find things to do to fill our three day weekend. So what have the girls chosen to do this weekend?

We're going to go play poker Friday night. Help a friend move Saturday. And take in a show Saturday night. I realize this leaves us with two whole days of unscheduled events, but I don't think I could talk K into anything more. Plus, Tuesday night will be spent with R's family at R's brother's graduation. Which should be fun...and will probably be a bit weird. Too much to go into.

But I'm looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully no one will get sick and R will return intact and safe on Monday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Is this a surprise?

"WASHINGTON - The first birth-control pill meant to put a stop to women’s monthly periods indefinitely won federal approval Tuesday. Called Lybrel, it’s the first such pill to receive Food and Drug Administration approval for continuous use."

Really? The one thing that EVERYONE can agree on? No periods for women? And it's called liberal?


Monday, May 21, 2007


Ugh, one last day coming in a five a.m. Did I mention that since one of the roomies has been going in early, I have too? I know this sounds ridiculous, but I do this for two reasons...I really do get a lot more done when no one else is here. And quite frankly, I would be frustrated staying late at work with the knowledge that one of my best freinds gets the luxury of staying at home and playing video games while I'm working my butt off. Yes, I easily get jealous, especially when it comes to down time.

This weekend was nice. I got burned to a crisp though. My other roommate/BFF (I really need to come up with pseudonyms for those two) is a sun lizard. She loves sitting out in the sun by the pool and tanning. I don't tan. I get beet red, but I figured I'd give it the ole college try and hang out with her. It was a perfect day. We even brought out the dog. However, I do think the sun not only burned me to a crisp, but fried my brains as well. I haven't felt right since sitting out. I've been just exhausted. I think it's a good thing I'll be going home early today as I definately need the sleep...on a nice cold leather couch...mmmmm, sleeeeppppp.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Inducted into Ska of my roommates and closest friend is an ex-bass player for a fairly known Ska band. What is ska? Well, ska apparently is the precursor to reggae. Very much like reggae, except with a bit of a faster beat, guitars, and a horn section.

I've heard ska before. And I like it...very much so. But have never been to a concert, which quite frankly, is much better than listening to it on cd.

We left the apartment around 8 p.m. and got there in time to listen to three bands:

Satori -

Buck o Nine -

Mustard Plug -

Exactly in that order. I really liked Satori, so I asked the roomy what the name of the band was. He told me Buck O Nine, and I went and purchased a couple of cds. Then the next band came on...announcing they were Buck O Nine. Doh! So during their performance, the roomy takes off for a second and then returns with what appears to be a cd in hand. Thinking nothing of it, I dance in place thinking the band is good and no harm, no foul. Finally I get around to asking him what he got. I pull out the cd, and lo and behold, it's the Santori cd. He felt bad for telling me the wrong band, so he went over and purchased the one I wanted anyway. So now I have two excellent bands in my cd collection, and I will soon be getting Mustard Plug.

These bands were awesome live! Lots of energy, lots of talent. It was a great show. The roomy wanted to head out early (considering we were going to have to get up the next morning at 4 a.m. to be into work at 5 a.m.) but I talked him into staying to see the band we came to see (MP).

So we watch MP, and start to head home around midnight. Start to get on the freeway...and the car dies. Thankfully he was able to start it up right away, but our drive home was spent frantically hoping that it wouldn't happen again.

We get home safe. I watch the Office until 1:30 a.m. and so now I am at work. On the verge of napping at my desk. *yawn*

Oh well, at least I got out of the house and heard some excellent music.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Busy Weekend

I am so tired today!

So, let's start off with Friday. Hectic business day to say in the least. I had a high priority report that I still hadn't finished by the end of the day, but thank goodness I warned my boss when we got the request. I told her I could probably get it done on Friday, but to not make any promises.

After work, we headed directly over to a friends house to help move. There really wasn't much as a gang of people had already moved most of the stuff. So afterwards we hung out, ate pizza, and watched Boondog Saints. A good movie, but kind of cheesy.

Saturday was spent at home with one roommate or the other. A majority of the day was spent with K waiting for R to get done with the car. They had the brakes checked and it ended up being 4 hours of work and $300 worth of cash. R was nice enough to bring Baskin Robbins home after the fiasco though and we then settled down to watch a crappy movie. Half of my day was spent working from home.

Yesterday was half boring and half nice. I have no car or money, so mom got a phone call yesterday and the promise to take her out this weekend. K worked overtime, and left the house around 6 a.m. R left with his brother around 11 a.m., so it was just little old me, the dog, and three cats for the rest of the afternoon. I cleaned, and worked, and cleaned, and worked. The boys got home around 3 with flowers and steaks (a very nice gesture). K got home around 4:30. So we chilled for the rest of the night watching cable (and me working).

All in all I put in a total of 58 hours last week. So, needless to say...I'm freakin exhausted.

Friday, May 11, 2007

What to say...

I want to go on and on again about how emotional, how lonely, how exhausted I am, but quite frankly even I'm tired of that bullshit. Admittedly, one of the major reasons why I am so emotional lately is because I started taking birth control pills. Now, don't get all shocked. This has nothing to do with the primary purpose of the prescription. I was having my period every three weeks. Which means only two weeks of unaltered mental state and physical comfort. This is not acceptable.

So I went to my doctor with the sole purpose of extending my normal times out. I was hoping for at least an extra week of reprieve, but ended up getting the pills that give me three months of normalcy. Three months!!! Three months!!!

So needless to say, I'm very happy with that concept. The only issue is that these pills seem to make me very mopey and quite frankly...a lot of crying. But I much prefer the crying to the other option.

Anyway, same bs different day. I'll catch up with you guys later with something a little more lighthearted.

Until then, check out my latest comic strip on


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

To Blog or Not To Blog

Okay, so, my roommates are having issues. And one of them reads this blog from time to time, but I have to get this out...I just have to! (But I'll be respectful in my vent.)

So...for the past few days, things have been strained at home. Walking on eggshells is a cake walk sometimes compared to the awkwardness that arises from time to time. Things go well for a few days, and then BAM! Something comes up to anger or frustrate one or the other.

I feel for these two...I really do. Their both my good friends, my best friends. And it hurts me to see them both being hurt and frustrated. K, the girlfriend, is much more open about discussing whats going on. Well, come on, she's a chick. We disect everything immensely.

On the other hand, R, the boyfriend, talks about it but I can feel his frustration. Well come'on...he's a boy. It's like he wants to know whats wrong, but without actually doing the talking.

Plus, I'm trying to be there for both of them, without taking sides, offerring solutions (other than you need to communicate more), or just in general pissing anyone off.

It's a bit difficult. And stressful. I really need to stop giving a shit.

(You know I didn't mean that last line. *sigh*)