Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Be proactive

So in my relentless pursuit of constantly trying to improve myself, I've decided to read at night and during lunch, books and articles to help me further my intelligence and general happiness in life.

Who knows if it will help, but hey, a girl can try.

So at work, during lunch, I'm starting with an oldie but a goodie. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". Now I've heard some counter-arguments to this author's many contributions to self-improvement however, what I've read so far seems to make common sense.

I'm on the first step...Be Proactive.

Essentially the idea is that I have control of my own responses to what happens to me. Which I am a FIRM believer of. Of course, trying to fight old habits can be difficult at times. Last weekend, after thinking I had made a tremendous amount of progress NOT blowing up, of course, I blew up. It was a situation in which I was frustrated and the same situation had repeated itself. Who knows, I may still be the fool in this circumstance, but what choice do I have?

Anyway, major tangent later, I do believe that I have the choice to feel however I feel. I think even down to being tired (which is a big excuse in my general demeanor) can be challenged. Of course, I would really, REALLY like some sleep right now, but my mind is bound and determined to keep me going (I've scheduled workout time tonight with a friend).


Anyway...next 60 days...be proactive, not reactive.

(Why do I feel that tomorrow will be a post on how I wasn't able to accomplish this and blew up yet again? Good thing there are do-overs.)

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