Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have two things I'm reading right now and I intend to comment on each of them every day. Sort of a way to get me to think, but also act.

First book is The Female Fat Cell - Post Pregnancy (FFC-PP).

From what I've read so far, I really need to embrace my body and appreciate it for all the wonderful things it's done for me. Of course, every day I probably curse my body. But I only seem to be focused on the weight right now. I do have to say that I am skinnying up, without the weight loss. I can tell my body is changing almost daily. However, I still have a goal of fitting into my old clothes (which may never happen, but a girl can dream.) Yes, I love my body. It gives me pleasure with my boyfriend, it feels delicious to sleep or take a warm bath, it still moves for me and has amazingly taken quite a bit of abuse from me. Actually I think at this point I have two goals really. First to lose 20 lbs. Sorry, not going to give that up. And 2ndly to feel good again. I'm tired and achy all the time. I need to focus on healthy eating and exercise to get past that. So I guess first action, is to love the skin I'm in. I need to see myself as sexy again regardless of my size.

2nd book - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (7H)

I've already posted on this book and will be posting more shortly. I have been attempting to remind myself to be proactive. I think it's working. My mind frame seems to be much better and less negative lately.

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