So I was just driving myself crazy trying to figure out food. Like I can literally go insane looking around at various options, cost-effectiveness, low-carb. And so I took a moment, paused, and thought, "Ugh, why do I make this so hard? It's just food. Why do I obsess?"
So I figured rather than drive myself crazy...I'll blog instead.
See, I have OCD. Clinically, I have been diagnosed. I suspected, and went to the psych, and she confirmed, "Uh yeah, you're definitely OCD."
Not the, I need to turn a light switch off and on exactly five times. But like I will spend hours on end trying to find the right budget and menu type.
I have so many goals, task lists, to do lists, projects, it's not even funny. And I can feel the anxiety building in me. Just stirring up. And franticness. The kind that allows me to think, "If I don't figure out what to eat for breakfast that fills me up, is low-carb, helps me lose weight and is inexpensive the world will fall apart as I know it."
*Deep breath*
You may wonder how one arrives at this place? Well the low-carb is from wanting to lose weight. I started a program that will benefit me financially if I lose 50 lbs in six months. I needed motivation. I'm tired of being overweight. Sick of it. Finances are short right now, so it needs to be inexpensive.
I know these all sound like normal things. But when I think of the failure. Losing money from losing the weight bet. Spending too much money and being short. Picking the wrong thing so either I'll be starving or my husband will hate it. This drive me nuts. Okay, I guess literally nuts.
So I need to take a big breath. And relax. And just eat.
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