Monday, April 16, 2007

When did I get on the boat?

I hate being sick! For the past couple of days, I've been nauseous. Not enough to throw up, but just enough to be annoying and debilitating.

This weekend was fairly good. I saw the husband on Saturday and was relieved to see that he was doing pretty well. The house goes on market today. Looking forward to that. Hoping we get some bites because the neighborhood is pretty good and the house pretty cheap. Selling a house is a first for both of us, but he seems to be handling it pretty well.

After visiting him, Blueberri and went out to a few bars/clubs. She was promised by a co-worker to be 'taken care of' at a new club that she did an ad for. Unfortunately, nobody knew who he was and we got free cover anyway because it was ladies night. The club was a bust so we went to another bar which apparently had seniors half off night. I'm joking of course, but half the bar was Beach Boy lookalikes and I'm not talking early years here. After about an hour of that, we headed to one of old standbys and played pool for the rest of the night. One of my roommates met up with us and we all talked about what decidely uneventful nights we had.

Sunday I was nauseous all frekain day. We watched movies and just chilled. I think I may have caught whatever bug the roommates had, so we'll see how long I last at work today.

I did start my comic strip again though. I would have done a new one yesterday if not for the fact that I didn't think vomit on keyboard would have been conducive to my drawing.


Ms. Adventures said...

oh poor you. I hope you feel better soon!

Mark Brown said...

Yea for the adventures on way to vegas.

Glad to see you writing again dear!

mark b in nj