Friday, January 04, 2013

How am I going to accomplish everything?

Well...I managed to hold on to my job...for now.

So I guess I need to question if I want to keep it. Hmmm...

Well, I imagine at least for another few months until I can pay our bills off. Anyway, the real question is how to get my life back again. I was posed the question of, "If you could explain 2013 in one word to describe what you want to achieve....what would it be?"

I decided my word would be "Enjoy." I don't enjoy anything like I used to...sleep, showering, exercising, dating, chilling, existing.

I have so many goals but I always fail to make time for those things I just enjoy. Who knew that being a parent would be so overwhelming..anyway...

Things I'd like to figure out how to do...
  1. Read a book
  2. Exercise
  3. Cook
  4. Watch a movie without interuption
  5. Draw a cartoon
  6. Spend some couples time with Ricky
Some New Years Resolutions
  1.  Plan out my menu
  2. Take Ridley out more often
  3. Drink more water
  4. Take a statistics class
  5. Relax more

I'm gonna go relax now.

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