Monday, February 11, 2008

It's getting better all the time...

betta, betta, beeetttaaaa...okay enough Beatles quoting.

Although I sit here all itchy as get out. Although I'm exhausted as all get out. Although I'm still sitting here working on my sick day. Things are getting better.

I've had a few thoughts run through my head lately about my single status. Or rather my lack of boyfriend companionship. There are a few things I miss about being in a relationship, but the size of that need is slowly dwindling.

I no longer get weepy when I see another couple cuddling. I no longer spend an hour before going to sleep thinking of my lack of bedmate. And when I'm sick, although it'd be nice to have someone around to take care of me, I no longer require it.

Don't get me wrong. I look forward to someday having someone in my life to share the ups and downs. However, at this juncture in my life, this is more of a luxury than a necessity.

This is good. This is progress. I'm finally starting to become stronger and more independent. Look ma! I'm maturing!

1 comment:

blueberi said...

guess what?! I have a dog. Got her yesterday. Long story, I'll explain soon.