Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Figuring out priorities

Okay, granted I haven't had much time to do anything with mom in the hospital and this darn cold. But I think it's that time. Major spring cleaning. And I'm not talking about dusting the cobwebs from my ceiling (well, hopefully to include...) but no! I'm talking about goal setting and prioritizing things in life.

I know what you're thinking and yes, perhaps to some degree this has to do with my mother's health and everything else going on. But...I'm tired of being busy, of being broke, and not focusing on those things that make me feel good and those things that make me feel happy.

For instance. K recently introduced me to this diet website. It's fantastic. You can chart and track all sorts of things. And you accumulate points depending on physical and online activities to perform. However, one week into it and I came to the realization that I was getting too obsessed with gaining points and not enough time doing other things.

I had to quit my okCupid habit too. I found that I was spending too much time doing trivial surveys and reading email messages from people I really wasn't interested in.

So what do I need to focus on now?
- Figuring out what my work goals are and organize my work time efficiently so it doesn't cut into my personal time.
- Figuring out how to visit my family, including my mother, on a regular basis but without driving myself into exhaustion.
- Figuring out exactly what it is I want from Toastmasters in the next 6 months and make sure my involvement in it doesn't take over every spare minute as it has in the past.
- Figuring out how to increase the quality of my life by managing my finances better, spending enough time relaxing, spending time on enjoyable activities such as movies, cartooning, and concerts, and making food at home. (I miss home-cooked meals. I'm tired of the fast food and resteraunt life.)

That's about it for now. Better not pile up my to do list or I'll never get anything done.

1 comment:

Cloudy said...

I am so glad to hear your mother is improving and you have something positive to focus on.