Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Focus! Focus! Focus!

Status from yesterday:

- Well I ended up working until midnight and watching movies all day, so much for avoiding technology. Going to refocus today.
- Lost 1.2 lbs! So I'd say staying within calories (was so tempted by pizza) and drinking water worked!
- Stay on top of requests at work: well, I could probably do better. I need to do an update to free info today, a split and a follow up to a question. If I stay focused, I can do this!
- Be a nicer, more giving person. I tried so hard, but ended up blowing up at night. Just another reminder that change doesn't happen overnight. I really need to just relax. Part of my issue with this is my frustration with R's brother. I just feel like he's so negative all the time and takes advantage of the situation. However, perhaps it's time for me to step back and try to understand why he's been acting this way and also realize my impatience probably has somewhat to do with my frustration with myself when I act this way.

Goals for today:
  • Stay in calories (with cereal and milk) and drink water the rest of the day (after Diet Coke this morning)
  • Work on professionalism at work
    • Start focusing on the customer and their needs.
    • Take care of B and his premium domains
    • Take care of B and E and the free info
    • Take care of M and his split
    • Take care of J and his split
  • Work on my relationships by spending time with Brit tonight. And focusing on my man and his health.
    • Make dinner and start laundry before I leave.
  • Be more patient, loving, and forgiving.

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