Monday, June 05, 2006

As my friend Missy likes to say...

"That's some scary ass shit!"

So just a few minutes ago, we decide to go out for a quick break. I'm standing outside, in semi-shade, and I start to feel light-headed. Give it a few more minutes, and I literally feel like I'm going to pass out. At this point, I'm thinking, "Dear Lord, don't let me pass out in this heat and hit the scalding pavement head first."

I start walking away and I would turn my head to say good-bye but I felt if I didn't get into shade and sit down soon, I'll just fall over and end up laying there in the middle of the street.

Obviously, I did make it back to my desk, but I still feel lightheaded. I don't understand. Maybe I'm not getting enough water.

I felt tired all weekend long, but this is ridiculous!! (And for the record, no, I'm not. My 'friend' just rolled round last week and we haven't in ages. Well not the kind that breeds new life.)

What the hell? I'm going to start drinking a lot more water and if that doesn't help...I'm going to see the Doc.


Madwag said...

I wish you knew what was wrong w/ you. Maybe you do need more water... I dunno.?

I do miss Phoenix...but I don't miss those super horrible hot days! However it was fun to sneak into resorts w/ Julian and borrow their swimming pool for the day...he he he...

Mark Brown said...

I like your new format, and even like your new cartooning.

How 'bout making one that says ITMFA (impeach him) already)

I;ll give you credit on the blog (one panel!)


The lonely blogger for one...