Monday, May 28, 2007

All in all a pretty good weekend

So, Friday was fairly uneventful. Lemme see if my memory goes back that far...

Friday morning I dropped R off at his friends so they could head out towards Mexico way. That morning was actually a little eventful considering he semi-lost his wallet right before he left. After a quick call to K, they found the wallet in her car and all was right with the world again.

Work was a hassle. Extremely busy plus a fire drill. But I was so tapped out that even my boss told me to go home early and get some rest. Much needed.

Friday night I headed over to Ks work to pick her up and we went to a BBQ at Cs. Both of us were exhausted but we had a good time. I was first out at poker, but it was all good as I was surrounded by friends and fun.

Saturday we took care of some errands, then went and got our nails done. Came back to the house and just napped and relaxed. Nighttime rolls around and we get ready for Cirque De Soleil! I've been wanting to see this for quite some time. It was admittadly maybe a little too ambiguous for me but I still enjoyed it. Afterwards K and I spent what must have been an hour talking outside. It's very unusual, but both of us admitted to the incredible symbiotic nature of the relationship between the three of us. It's always nerve-wracking taking in a roommate, even K admitted this. But for whatever reason all of us get along really great. We all seem to be able to provide the support that we all need.

Afterwards we rented Nothing But Trouble, an old favorite of mine. Then crashed.

Sunday morning we slept in. Then headed over to the art museum. K had never visited the Phoenix Art Museum so I felt a bit honored to be the first to take her. We spent about four hours walking around and finally heard back from R. He sounded a bit...exhausted? dissapointed? Not sure, but it was nice to know he was doing okay and not busy being someone's bitch in Mexico prison.

We stayed up late watching Pan's Labyrinth and Anklebiters (both a must see, but the last one purely for the entertainment value of what a crappy movie it is.) Then crashed once again.

Today will be spent working from home and going to the dog park. One last day of semi-relaxation before getting back to work. This rest was definately needed. And the reconnect to one of my closest friends.

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