Friday, May 18, 2007

Inducted into Ska of my roommates and closest friend is an ex-bass player for a fairly known Ska band. What is ska? Well, ska apparently is the precursor to reggae. Very much like reggae, except with a bit of a faster beat, guitars, and a horn section.

I've heard ska before. And I like it...very much so. But have never been to a concert, which quite frankly, is much better than listening to it on cd.

We left the apartment around 8 p.m. and got there in time to listen to three bands:

Satori -

Buck o Nine -

Mustard Plug -

Exactly in that order. I really liked Satori, so I asked the roomy what the name of the band was. He told me Buck O Nine, and I went and purchased a couple of cds. Then the next band came on...announcing they were Buck O Nine. Doh! So during their performance, the roomy takes off for a second and then returns with what appears to be a cd in hand. Thinking nothing of it, I dance in place thinking the band is good and no harm, no foul. Finally I get around to asking him what he got. I pull out the cd, and lo and behold, it's the Santori cd. He felt bad for telling me the wrong band, so he went over and purchased the one I wanted anyway. So now I have two excellent bands in my cd collection, and I will soon be getting Mustard Plug.

These bands were awesome live! Lots of energy, lots of talent. It was a great show. The roomy wanted to head out early (considering we were going to have to get up the next morning at 4 a.m. to be into work at 5 a.m.) but I talked him into staying to see the band we came to see (MP).

So we watch MP, and start to head home around midnight. Start to get on the freeway...and the car dies. Thankfully he was able to start it up right away, but our drive home was spent frantically hoping that it wouldn't happen again.

We get home safe. I watch the Office until 1:30 a.m. and so now I am at work. On the verge of napping at my desk. *yawn*

Oh well, at least I got out of the house and heard some excellent music.

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

Oy vey.
wot a life.

hee hee