Friday, May 11, 2007

What to say...

I want to go on and on again about how emotional, how lonely, how exhausted I am, but quite frankly even I'm tired of that bullshit. Admittedly, one of the major reasons why I am so emotional lately is because I started taking birth control pills. Now, don't get all shocked. This has nothing to do with the primary purpose of the prescription. I was having my period every three weeks. Which means only two weeks of unaltered mental state and physical comfort. This is not acceptable.

So I went to my doctor with the sole purpose of extending my normal times out. I was hoping for at least an extra week of reprieve, but ended up getting the pills that give me three months of normalcy. Three months!!! Three months!!!

So needless to say, I'm very happy with that concept. The only issue is that these pills seem to make me very mopey and quite frankly...a lot of crying. But I much prefer the crying to the other option.

Anyway, same bs different day. I'll catch up with you guys later with something a little more lighthearted.

Until then, check out my latest comic strip on


1 comment:

Cloudy said...

They can adjust those pills or try a different kind. The ones I used made me LESS emotional...but girl, remember, you ARE going through a lot still. You probably just need to get it out, give yourself a break.