Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mad Update

Only because I really don't have the time, but I want to get my 5 Positive Things in and while I'm at it, a breif update would be good.


Things have been going well, but I had a 1:1 with my boss today and I think she thinks I'm wigging. She keeps asking me if everything is okay and wanted to meet with me twice today. Will have to ask about that. Granted I'm a bit scattered today, and have no idea why, but I'll be okay.

5 positive things:
1. My hair looks great today. Already received two compliments and one from a random person. Crazy!
2. While I don't like to think about it, ex is going to get money from his grandmother's will. So this means freedom for me if he can manage it well. At least a temporary reprive from bills.
3. I got a cartoon out yesterday. I really need to do these more often, but that's not the point of this post.
4. My boss has confirmed training will occur in the beginning of next year. This is well-received and about darn time!
5. I'm excited about doing Toastmasters soon. Also, maybe doing Weight Watchers soon too with my roommate. This would be awesome as I really suck at doing stuff alone...well...most stuff. ;-)

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.


Mark Brown said...

Toastmasters is AWESOME.

One word of warning.

Save your speech(es) and responses in a looseleaf book in case you Don't finish them all at this time.

(I did (I think) about 8 out of the 15 I needed, and when I start again, will start at # 9!


and learning to "quiet" the inner daemons (unix spelling!) inside of you is a key to understanding how to grow older gracefully, rather then offing 50-100 strangers with a n automatic rifle!


Mark Brown said...


Take my Haiku and pass it on.

IMPEACH CHENEY -- Pelosi Pardons -- Democracy Resumes!