Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Could life be anymore complicated?

I know, I've been updating like crazy now. But there's a lot going on and I feel inspired again because my friend also started her blog.

So...did I mention my car overheated this weekend and I had to call for repairs? Anyway, 24 hours later after my car getting towed off to the dealership in North Scottsdale, miles away because I have a specialty car, they found it on the lot. Also, 24 hours after not having a car, I finally got someone to agree to get me a rental.

Geesh!!! I was so stressed over this yesterday, I was in tears. Once again emotional Onyx came out. However, I'm feeling much better now and I just have to figure out how to get over there to pick up my rental.

Life has been a bit crazy lately, but you know me...I live off stress.

Oh! And I posted a new strip. I'm hoping to get back into this again. Thanks for all the support guys and I'll be visiting you soon. :-)

Comic strip: www.complicatedcomic.com

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