Monday, July 31, 2006

How much work contitutes as OT?

I'm sitting in bed in the dark, with hubby fast asleep next to me. I'm being blinded by the bright light of my laptop, am exhausted, but figured I'd add a blog entry before collapsing asleep.

Tonight was definately busy. We had to stop by FedEx after work, because the last of hubby's computer stuff came. He is officially set up for freelancing now. His job is good at PetsMart however, he is still try to quench that design thirst that never seems to diminish. So I have encouraged him to start doing freelance work in hopes that he'll be able to stretch his artistic legs and show the world his promise.

I have no idea why I'm being so descriptive tonight. Must be the need for sleep.

Anyway...gonna catch some Zs. Don't forget to check the lastest strip at

Friday, July 28, 2006

Waiting at Home

Well...workimg from home. Waiting for a package to be delivered.

I'm doing good. There aren't nearly enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done. It's such a bugger to be at home, but not be able to clean house. Ugh!!

I just hope that damn package gets here son. Working from home is always such a pain because the connection is really slow.

But I am doing good. The house needs to be cleaned but it's not the worst it's been. I've lost a few pounds over the last few days, so I'm happy about that. Got paid today...always a good thing. Other than that, just tired. But that's okay.

So that's it. Nothing exciting, which I guess is good. Considering all the chaos that's been happening over the last few months. Just tryin to chill.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I really must blog more often...

I'm doing pretty good today. Back on my WW plan (see WW blog to the right for details.) We have a little bit of cash (roommate paid us in full yesterday.) And I exercised last night.

Hubby is doing well at his job. Now I just need to focus on not being so obsessed with my cartoon. I just need to leave the website be and keep on toonin'.

Well, I guess I don't have too much to say. Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I know, I'm a horrible blogger!

But massive amounts of stuff have been going on.

Hubby is doing well in his job, but he's kind of bored. It's really easily apparently. I told him, "Welcome to the corporate world!" Corporate jobs are much easier than contract work. This is a given.

My buddy Blue (sounds like a movie title, doesn't it?) has been having issues lately. I feel like I haven't seen her in ages! But she's doing better now. If you'd like the background, go to Bluebert on the right hand menu.

Cartoon is going well, well as well as can be expected. I am getting visitors, but damn if I can figure out if people are coming back. I know you guys are. Especially Blue's friends in Montana. I think it's hilarious seeing "Bozeman Montana" about five times each day in my stat counter. Makes me feel like I have a loyal fan. :-)

Hmmm, other than that? Well, unfortunately a close friend of mine was, umm, let go on Wednesday at work. I can't really go into it. Personal reasons. But I've been pretty bummed about it. She was so talented and great, and there's a little hole in my heart from her leaving. I know that's a bit sappy, but accurate description.

What else? Oh, my little brother got kicked out of my mom and grandma's house. At first I was shocked and irritated, but quite frankly he's been a bit difficult and he is officially 18 perhaps this will help him grow up a bit. On the other hand, mom and grandma have been coming down pretty hard on him lately too, so I think getting out of that environment will elp as well. He's living with my aunt now, so that's cool. I'm gonna try to visit this weekend or whenever I come up with some b-day cash for a present.

Hmmm, I think that's it for the meantime. I'm trying to catch up to everyone's blog, but I see you're all pretty much busy as well.

Take care and have a good weekend!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comic Back Up Again!

Geez, that seems like it took forever!!! But it's back up again. Enjoy!

Comic Site Down

or in other words, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!"

Okay, well I checked and the host I'm using is down for the moment. Just didn't want ya to get all excited for not getting your daily fix of complicated.

I'd go into details, but well, it's complicated.

Yuk, yuk.

I'll let you know when it's back up again.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


With my strip. But I think I've said that before.

By the way, I was thinking of putting together an RSS feed or something for anyone who wants to post my daily strip on their site. Anyone interested? If so, let me know and I'll get to building the code right away.

Anyhoo...hubby's first day went...well, quite frankly, it went okay. Nothing great. As he says, and I quote (see the quote marks...right here), --> "It's a job." Well, it could be worse. Of course, the first day is always nerve-wracking. And I don't blame him. Sounds like no one was really friendly.

I just get so frustrated with people. What happened to the good old days when you introduced the new guy to everyone then a group of you invited him to lunch to initiate him? My hubby spent his lunch alone and then *sniff* went back to work early because there was no one to talk to. Bastards!!! I know...I'm extremely protective of him. We need a kid.

Well back to work. Ho, hum.

By the way, can't make up my mind. For my next series of strips I'm either going to focus around a series of bad dates with Blue or a merger with drama at Suzie's work. Anyone have a preference?

Monday, July 17, 2006


I am so freakin tired. ALL day yesterday was spent moving my comic over to Ugh!!!

I'm freakin exhausted!! In addition to moving the site (which wasn't that complicated), I also had to find code to create prev/next buttons on my site. For a comic strip this is incredibly important. But it's all done now. Maybe just a few tweaks left to do on the site. Then I'll leave it alone and just do my strip.

Okay, so I guess I can tell you guys now. A friend of mine asked what the last post was about. She commented on the last pos to email her what's up. Like a dumbass (because it's 6 in the a.m. and I can't think at 6 in the a.m.), I hit reply.'re right...can't reply to comments. Should have known...but did I mention it's 6 in the a.m.?

Anyway...short story....I'm too lazy and tired to go find her email address right,

The job that restructured and laid hubby off before he could start?...He got it back. He starts today. Thus the getting up early.

I'll let you know tomorrow how it went, but thank freakin God! We need the money so badly right now. Bills were fine up until a week ago. I decided to pay a little of the mortgage late and our car payment because quite frankly gas and food are a priority over those other two.

I can't wait til he gets paid!

Oh and I had a dream about Kelly Ripa, but you'll have to watch the comic to figure out what happens there. Sneaky, ain't I?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A lot going on...

...but I'm not going to share until everything is set in stone.

Other than those things I won't speak about, I haven't been updating much because I've been focusing on whoring out my comic strip. Strictly online right now. I'm trying to get included in a bunch of comic listing online, so wish me luck. I've gone through a bunch out there already (to sum up the competition) and I think I've got a chance.

I still love stripping, but this is wearing me out. So I may be a little sporadic in my entries for awhile.

Until then, feel free to check out my daily comic strip at the link to the right. If you are tired of checking the site, email me at and I'll put you on my daily email list.

Hope everyone is hanging in there. Looks like you guys are all busy too.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

Today started out alright...

I attempted to do positive affimations. Things like...

  • Hubby will get a good new job this week.
  • I am pretty.
  • I am intelligent and successful and I will have a good day.

By the time I reached the office, I started affirmations like...

  • I will not kill my co-workers.
  • I will avoid taking breaks every 10 minutes to avoid the myriad of ridiculous requests at work put forth by my selfish and egotistical customers.

Granted all of my customers are not like that, but the ones who call and demand things early Monday morning are.

Well needless to say, life is a bit complicated lately. Hubby's new job didn't pan out and his current job does not have any work for him right now. Bills are stacking up and I'm just waiting for the big one to hit. You know what I mean. When things don't look like they could get any worse, your cat ends up with a tumor requiring $3k worth of surgery. Or your car ends up with a gas leak and you can drive it as is but not around anyone smoking.

Wait for it...wait for it...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Not Much To Say

Mostly because I seem to be blogging in comic form lately. I imagine the more I do this strip, the more I'll get away from my own daily life events (as one friend said, "You should just call it the The Biography of Onyx").

If you check out the latest, you'll notice Dez loses his latest job. Yes, that really happened. Well everything but calling his old boss to give notice. Thank goodness hubby hadn't gotten around to that yet.

Today was a good day. Bluebert came over and we went to WW and had breakfast. (By the way Blue, our third WW member has indeed permanently cancelled.) Then hubby and I went to see Pirates of the Carribean (good movie, but you're not gonna like the ending), and then went out for dinner.

Then we came home, I'm been working on my comic strip (I can't believe I haven't gotten tired of it yet although I'm sure everyone is tired of me talking about it), and now I'm blogging.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. But I'll lay odds on the fact that no one is going to read this entry anyway because it's the weekend. So nanner, nanner, good luck and good night.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

New Gallery Updated Daily!!

For more, visit the Comic Strip Gallery ...

Updated Daily!!

Massive Update

Well, probably not all that massive, but I'm back in town and no longer rely upon dial-up for my internet connection so I can say a whole lot more now.

First of all, I intend on catching up to everyone's blog today. You can not imagine the horror that is dial-up. You know how when you were considering having kids and then babysat someone else's little seeds of evil? Yep, it's like that. I vow never to go back to any connection under 500k+ for awhile.

Saw Superman. Sadly enough, loved Lex Luther (yes, I'm a hard core Spacey fan), loved Kumar (even though he had a small role), and really wasn't the slightest bit attracted to Mr. blue pajamas. He's just too goody-goody for me. I do have to give props to the director though for keeping it a family film. However, does this guy have anything going for him other than his superpowers? He's a complate wuss without his powers. No brains. Ugh! At least Lex is educated. And funny. And cute. Yeah. pretty sad, isn't it?

We lost a fish while we were gone. (We know you committed fishy homicide while we were gone Blue, lol) Hubby and I keep telling Blue that becasue she animal/fish sat while we were gone. Truth be told though, the nitrate levels in that tank have been high lately and we've been trying to get them down. So when we got back there were was a fishy spine and skeleton floating on the bottom of the tank when we got back. The most disgusting thing was that the other two had eaten it. Bleh, uck, ewww!!!

Last update is that I sent a link to my comic strips to one of my favorite comic strip artists. I was excited when he emailed me back this morning. But to my utter dismay, he simply told me to show it to 10 friends/people and if 3 of them laugh then it's probably good enough for syndication. *sigh*

I know he's a busy man, but i was a bit dismayed by that. Oh well.

Okay, gotta go. Take care and I'll catch up with each of you later today!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Things Going Unusally Well...

So things are either going to get better or start getting really bad.

So my boss, IMs me the other day. Friday they had this big shindig at work with the CIGNA bigwigs there. I mean like afro big. President, CEO, etc... My boss tells me that in front of everyone, the President of our little company tells everyone what a great job my boss and I did working over the weekend to get the reports for CIGNA. Not only did he say it, but it was the first thing he said. I think my career is looking up.

You know who else's career is looking better? Hubby's. He's been getting phone calls and emails about a job at a large corporation. Fairly good pay, definately reliable pay. He's nervous, but I think he'll do great. He always had. The problem with his latest jobs has been the jerks he's worked with...not paying him on time, giving him less hours, making him share a cubicle, making promises and not keeping them,

So things are looking up. And you know what happens when things start to get too good, right? So I'm waiting for it. Perhaps it's a little early but I believe in Murphy's Law big time.

So we'll see.

Hmmm, anything else? I'll try to catch up to everyone's blogs when I can but this dial-up is killing me. Have a good fourth everyone and don't get so drunk you wake up naked with a farm animal the next morning!

PS Thanks Blueberri...for you know what!! :-)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I love me some vacation!!

Yes, I'm on a real bona-fide vacation this week. NOT some three day weekend holiday. NOT just cleaning up around house. But a relaxing...okay semi-relaxing as I had to take my husband with me...vacation.

Lots of things have happened...but I'm on vacation, so we'll talk about that later.

Just wanted to give a quick update.

For anyone interested, I am updating my strip though. Trying to prove I can do the daily strip thing, so...expect a new one everyday. :-)

Have a happy fourth everyone!!