Monday, July 10, 2006

Today started out alright...

I attempted to do positive affimations. Things like...

  • Hubby will get a good new job this week.
  • I am pretty.
  • I am intelligent and successful and I will have a good day.

By the time I reached the office, I started affirmations like...

  • I will not kill my co-workers.
  • I will avoid taking breaks every 10 minutes to avoid the myriad of ridiculous requests at work put forth by my selfish and egotistical customers.

Granted all of my customers are not like that, but the ones who call and demand things early Monday morning are.

Well needless to say, life is a bit complicated lately. Hubby's new job didn't pan out and his current job does not have any work for him right now. Bills are stacking up and I'm just waiting for the big one to hit. You know what I mean. When things don't look like they could get any worse, your cat ends up with a tumor requiring $3k worth of surgery. Or your car ends up with a gas leak and you can drive it as is but not around anyone smoking.

Wait for it...wait for it...


Madwag said...

yep...that sucks. I hope things get better soon.

blogger was just acting up... I didn't write anything that they would It was just about a person that really pissed me off... but I will get over it.

wv: bum decay

Ms. Adventures said...

Aw that sucks Onyx. I will keep you in my prayers, whenever I pray that is..... if you believe in that..... if you don't, then maybe it'll still help. :)

Onyx said...

Thanks Guys!!

From now on, no blogging about hubby's job until he's actually working there...that's my new rule.

Note to self:

Onyx said...

Onyx said...

Onyx said...