Saturday, July 08, 2006

Not Much To Say

Mostly because I seem to be blogging in comic form lately. I imagine the more I do this strip, the more I'll get away from my own daily life events (as one friend said, "You should just call it the The Biography of Onyx").

If you check out the latest, you'll notice Dez loses his latest job. Yes, that really happened. Well everything but calling his old boss to give notice. Thank goodness hubby hadn't gotten around to that yet.

Today was a good day. Bluebert came over and we went to WW and had breakfast. (By the way Blue, our third WW member has indeed permanently cancelled.) Then hubby and I went to see Pirates of the Carribean (good movie, but you're not gonna like the ending), and then went out for dinner.

Then we came home, I'm been working on my comic strip (I can't believe I haven't gotten tired of it yet although I'm sure everyone is tired of me talking about it), and now I'm blogging.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. But I'll lay odds on the fact that no one is going to read this entry anyway because it's the weekend. So nanner, nanner, good luck and good night.

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