Thursday, July 06, 2006

Massive Update

Well, probably not all that massive, but I'm back in town and no longer rely upon dial-up for my internet connection so I can say a whole lot more now.

First of all, I intend on catching up to everyone's blog today. You can not imagine the horror that is dial-up. You know how when you were considering having kids and then babysat someone else's little seeds of evil? Yep, it's like that. I vow never to go back to any connection under 500k+ for awhile.

Saw Superman. Sadly enough, loved Lex Luther (yes, I'm a hard core Spacey fan), loved Kumar (even though he had a small role), and really wasn't the slightest bit attracted to Mr. blue pajamas. He's just too goody-goody for me. I do have to give props to the director though for keeping it a family film. However, does this guy have anything going for him other than his superpowers? He's a complate wuss without his powers. No brains. Ugh! At least Lex is educated. And funny. And cute. Yeah. pretty sad, isn't it?

We lost a fish while we were gone. (We know you committed fishy homicide while we were gone Blue, lol) Hubby and I keep telling Blue that becasue she animal/fish sat while we were gone. Truth be told though, the nitrate levels in that tank have been high lately and we've been trying to get them down. So when we got back there were was a fishy spine and skeleton floating on the bottom of the tank when we got back. The most disgusting thing was that the other two had eaten it. Bleh, uck, ewww!!!

Last update is that I sent a link to my comic strips to one of my favorite comic strip artists. I was excited when he emailed me back this morning. But to my utter dismay, he simply told me to show it to 10 friends/people and if 3 of them laugh then it's probably good enough for syndication. *sigh*

I know he's a busy man, but i was a bit dismayed by that. Oh well.

Okay, gotta go. Take care and I'll catch up with each of you later today!!


Madwag said...

was it Patti that died? Didn't Julian already bite the dust...can't remember now.
I get sad when my fish die...

Mark Brown said...

Ugh. Madwag: You're NOT supposed to name your GOLDFISH!
just kidding.

I have a basic community (large) tank right now. (maybe not really, since my son threw a carnival goldfish in the 55gal tank, and it looks like he likes the guppies...

Hey boss...Congrats on the feedback. You mean I might actually be talking to someone who may actually become FAMOUS?? geez.

This is almost as bad as when I was a Sr. in HS, and this annoying Junior came up to the Yearbook crew, and insisted on hanging around and drawing stuff.
He said, HE was a cartoonist, and that he'd be syndicated one day...
Yeah right we all said...
And.. go here and I can weep. I am so happy he got thru..

Yuppers. Ray is the same (old) age as me (give or take oneyear!)
ENOUGH (too much? ) info


Onyx said...

Thanks Cloudy. I just need to get up the nerve to submit them now.

Madwag - No Patty is the most resilient of all. Sushi has tail rot that I'm currently medictaing for. Spike died (the algae eater). Ugh!!!

Mark - Ray's strip looks really good. It's nice to see someone make it in the big syndication world. They get thousands of entries each year, but only take three. If that doesn't work, I'll probably try my local paper. Good luck on the dsl issue!!