Goodness life has taken a turn for the better...
Work: I was given my 90 day review and they love me. I'm doing work that I love and learning new things. It's amazing. What's more, my company seems to like to focus on the idea that give people work that they love to do and they'll be happy. Go figure! So now I feel a bit better about my role at work and feeling more secure about my sanity and my actual knowledge, I want to exceed my customers expectations! Blow them away! Work on being that big fish in a little pond again!
Home: Things between Ricky and I have been much better since about a week ago. Okay, so it wasn't really THAT bad to begin with but in all honesty, not having Will there has given us the freedom to be us more often. Didn't realize how much it was affecting us and our family. It wasn't bad by any means, but this is much better. Ricky and I have been working on the Death Star he got for his birthday and spending more quality time together. It's been so much more relaxing and better. So my goal here is just to continue investing that time into our relationship and spend better time together.
Ridley: My little man has been learning by leaps and bounds. I can pretty much hold an entire conversation with him between nods, gibberish and actual words. He's getting the hang of "ask and you shall receve". well, most of the time. He asks for a bottle right now and throws a fit when he doesn't get it. Focus on the little man will be on vocabulary and trying to get him to talk/communicate more.
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