Monday, May 08, 2006

I really don't deserve you guys...

Thank you for all the words of encouragement. Hubby and I did make up.

Sunday was nice. Went out with a couple of friends, cleaned house, and waited around for some more friends. They never showed up but at least I got the chance to chill out and relax.

I have almost finished my first strip in Illustrator. Hubby has been showing me around the application, so I don't have to manually, well, errr, pen everything. It's much easier to copy/paste/tweak. So perhaps once I finish the first one, I'll give you guys a peek.

Practicing the guitar. I think it is coming somewhat easier. I'm glad I'm doing these things. I just wish I wasn't so psycho lately. It's just an emotional roller coaster.

I am trying to focus on getting things more together. I just can't walk around all angry and butt hurt all the time. (I know it's a rather crass term, but I just think its appropriate.)

Anyway, I have to go again. Thanks again!!! (Hmmm, I was going to try to combine the term blog buddies, but it just wouldn't come out right. Go ahead, try it...)


Mark Brown said...

Family Harmony is good.

Just remember that us males are "gene" damaged, and thus less likey to openly admit (until successfully "tamed" (or perhaps in the eyes of some men AND even women, "de-balled")

Arf arf. whatever the condition, I am happy, and glad that my help may have made a tiny difference to someone.

PS: needing help in deciding whether General Michael Hayden is Good or bad for our country. help me by commenting at



lettuce said...

just catching up, I've not visited for a while. So sad for you reading Saturday's blog. I do have a daughter now, but didn't have her till I was 35, after 2 miscarriages - so think I might understand a bit what you're going through. It can be heartbreaking. Keep hopeful, I'm sure it will happen for you one day.
