Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What the freakin hell?!?!

It just keeps coming. Let me review the past month for you...

- Mother fractured hip...required surgery.
- Her roommate fractured hip...required surgery.
- Brother busted with drugs...twice. Still waiting for them to haul him away.
- Husband having difficulty at work. Granted it's contract work, but two days a week is not going to cut it bill wise.

This morning we got a call from SIL (sis-in-law). Apparently hubby's mom's husband had an epilectic seizure (not the first time), however fell and split his head right open. He's now in the hospital unconscious.


What the fuck?! Whoever coined the phrase, "When it rains, it pours" should be awarded some kind of freakin world medal, because it is totall freakin true.

Aside from that, I find myself tired and impatient. I am learning guitar and trying to get things done at home, but once I get home, I just want to sleep. Bleh!!

Anyway, take care everyone. Hope your side of the world is going better than on my side of the world.


Madwag said...

Maybe the next time it will all be good things! You have had enough bad for sure. It is always hard to see a light at the end... but it is there, I promise. xxooxxoo

Ms. Adventures said...

MAN that sucks! Hope things start to look up for you soon.
