Saturday, January 06, 2007

Busy Weekend

Oh geez, it's late. But I feel compelled to update. First of all, my apologies. I haven't updated because I've been sick. This was a nasty sick too. This was a sore throat and ever so annoying nausea sick (completely different from that, oh so joyful nausea.)

So, uh...semi-made up with hubby. Things are semi-better. Still frustrated. Still confused. But still hanging on.

Friday I was determined to have a good time, so Blue and I went to a poker game with some friends. Lots of fun was had. We played. I lost. I got drunk. We went to a bar. I got had a Petron shot. We went to the club. The dj sucked. The company was nice. A great time was had by all. I got to sleep at 4 a.m.

Then I woke up this morning at the butt crack of 8 a.m. to go to Weight Watchers. Blue stayed for breakfast. We went shopping. I got a PS2 and lots of games (including karaoke - don't judge me - and Evil Dead). We had intended on going to play pool with the friends from Friday night, but didn't get the call until about 9 p.m. They were in the E.R. The girlfriend had a heart attack. Fuck!

Thank God she's alright. I don't envy either of them, but at least they didn't keep her long. Well, frickin doctors. They didn't find anything wrong so they sent her home. But I am of the mentality that if something went wrong then you better fuckin find out why before you declare me 'not broken'.

Anyway, I've had 4 hours of sleep. My nose is running. And I'm coming down from the worry. I'm going to sleep.

1 comment:

blueberi said...

I went out and bought the American Idol version of the Karaoke. It's pretty fun, but I think it is a lot easier than the one you got. I played it for almost an hour last night. I got Platnium on all but two songs I sang and those two I got gold. So it is much easier. Althought I'm sure it would be hard if I didn't have it on the easy setting.

I can't believe those stupid doctors. They need to do tests until they figure it out. Ugh. Especially someone that young.