Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Thanks to all of you for the kind and supportive words. I've just been barely making it through these last few days. My emotions range from both extremes, but I feel the choice I made is the correct one for things to get any better in the future.

I move this weekend, which I am looking forward to. A little space and time to gather my thoughts unimpeded will be good. Although a ping of melancholy hits me every once in awhile when I realize what I'll be missing at home. But change is never easy. I'll be okay.

For those interested in the other side of the story as it progresses, my husband has decided to also keep an online blog (link located to the right under littermates). He has read my blog and I'm okay with that. If nothing, I feel honesty is the best thing right now.

So...comics to start up again probably after I move and I have a few free moments to myself. Right now I'm just living day to day, and that's okay.

Will update soon. Take care good friends. :-)


JR said...

You know, with the new Blogger, you can make private posts. You might also consider starting a second, private blog. I say this, because, you are bound to have so many thoughts and feelings, and what you feel at one point may not be what you feel at another point soon after. But when you blog how you feel, that post stays the same.

A private blog would give you a chance to vent, to understand what you feel inside, and give you an opportunity to learn about yourself without fear of what others may think.

Just a suggestion. I know this is a time mixed with everything from worry to excitement. I hope all goes well for you.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Things will work out girly, you'll see. :)

Mark Brown said...

We're all rooting for you Grlll.

I hope that your better half will
be understanding enough.

And, I actually stopped by there.

I hope you won't think me inappropriate for viewing the "Enemy"
but neither of you should view the other as an ememy..

BTW, GO buy your DDR. Be ready when HE challenges YOU in it (I told him about it too!)

I told him that two person games could be a LOT better!

AT any rate, here's a link to my latest comment on his blog.

Cloudy said...

take care, sweet sweet

Mark Brown said...

Silly Question time:

you're moving tomorrow.

Have you decided exactly what you want?

Do you want
a) roses, romance, and ribaultry?

or just a new start?

or just attention at night?

What I'm trying (badly, I feel) to say, is
you need to know what you want for yourself.

I am not making sense, and yet I think I am making sense..
You need to see what you want out of your future...
And then see where hubby fits in with that..