Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Think I'm Allergic to Month-End Reporting

For some odd reason, every first of the month now, I get sick. I was sitting in wonderment the other day at the fact that I made it past the holidays without so much as a sniffle. Usually I'm sick as a dog (have no idea what that one means either) on the holidays. Nose red, eyes watery, throat constricted.

But not this year! Thanksgiving...all good. Christmas...all good. New Years Eve and Day...all good.

Well with the exception of today.

First of all, I got to sleep around 11 p.m. last night. No problem. I have to wake up at 6 a.m. That gives me 7 whole hours to sleep blissfully.

Oh, but hubby can't sleep. which normally isn't an issue...but I keep on waking up to him doing something different. At one point during the night, I woke with no idea what woke me up. When I looked down towards the end of my bed, my husband popped up. This couldn't wait until morning:

Me (very sleepily): "Uh, what are you doing?"

Hubby: "Mumble, mumble, mumble" (starts to walk away)

Me: "No...what were you doing?"

Hubby: "Just getting up."

Me: "I can see that. What were you doing down there in the first place?"

Hubby: "Oh, just laying with the dog."

Now I must have been tired, because at this point I accepted his reason as perfectly acceptable and nodded off again. He woke me up again at 6 a.m. to which I sighed and realized it was time to get up and ready.

I don't care who you are. It's not normal to wake up at this time. My stomach has been queasy all morning. I thought a Burger King breakfast would help (don't ask). But to no avail.

So here I sit...queasy, tired, and confused. I sure hope this day either goes fast or my stomach gets better.

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