Monday, January 22, 2007

Good Weekend, Bad Husband

This weekend was relatively good. Lemme search the darkened corners of my mind to figure out what I did. It's pretty much all a blur...

Friday, Blue and I went to play Texas Hold'em with some new friends. R&K were supposed to go, but only R showed up. K was exhausted, so we had to deal with it. I drank only two and a half Smirnoffs, and got drunk off my ass. Not puke or annoying drunk, thank goodness, but drunk enough. I also lost my money very quickly. But that's okay, my entire purpose for that night was just to get stinkin drunk. Why?

Hubby and I had a discussion prior to me going out. I informed him I was going to see a ocunselor and he pretty much freaked out. Once again, he gave me sad puppy eyes and promised to pay attanetion to me more. My response? I'm gonna go get drunk. (If you live with all the mixed messages I live with, believe'd get drunk too.)

Saturday, Blue and I went to WW. Then picked up some breakfast and hubby. He was trying to make an effort to hang out with us (me), but wanted to go home after picking up his new gaming keyboard and mouse. So Blue and I went clothes shopping, then came home to get ready for the night. We even fit a little Thai food dinner in there somewhere (Thanks Blue!) Hubby was more than happy to allow me to go out so he could spend precious time with his first-person shooter game. We had a great time at the club.

Sunday, I was invited over to R&Ks for karaoke. I informed K that I couldn't come over, or if I did it might be later tonight because hubby was insistent that we have a 'date' before the weekend was out. (Actually he said, "We're going out tomorrow because I don't want you to complain that I didn't take you out this weekend.")

I wondered if I should even ask considering he made such a big deal out of taking me out to a movie. But then again one of the first things he said that morning was, "It's too cold out. Why don't we skip the movie and just do a rental?" Uh...okay.

Then when I told him about R&K, he jumped at the chance for an excuse, "Yeah, why don't you go over there? Have fun! Just bring back a movie, any movie you want babe, and we'll watch it tonight."

This progressed to him calling me around 6 p.m.: "Honey what time you gonna be home? Can you be home by 9 and pick me up some food?"

To me calling at 9 and getting this response: "Uh, the rommate and I ate so you can stay there as long as you want. Have fun."

And then me arriving home to him asking if I was angry. No, I'm not angry. I'm confused and hurt, but not angry anymore. I was pretty much numb yesterday too. I thought for sure things would change around. But the most pitiful thing? My most astute observation that both of us are relieved to not spend time with eachother. Sounds sad, but...I was more than happy to take up the karaoke invitation and he leapt at the chance to play his game.

And Mark...he hasn't touched the Playstation 2 yet. At all.

Thank God for Wednesday.


JoeBlogs said...

Well written post. Interesting insights.

Cloudy said...

Oh Crap! That is so confusing and difficult. I hope this hard time passes soon & hubby starts treating you WAY better.

MitchB said...
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Mark Brown said...

well, DID you get the Dance Dance Revolution game and Floor mats? (for the Playstation 2)
(and it's even better if it's not on the main TV, that way you can play and have fun (even with your friends) when he's home)..

(and show him two can play that stupid game...)

Even if he never plays, you can lose weight ..

And forgive me for making one more anguishing comment...

You and he (and blue) all live together, right?
and blue is a female.
and she isn't fooling around with him???
(just trying to lay cards on the table....)0

once you start DDR, you wont stop!

and its great exercise!

need to feeed the Auto.poem.machine. it's bored.
Feed it a topic, name and a feeling at

Oh, and I want more Daily COMIX!

MitchB said...
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Mark Brown said...

More Comix, Less Karoe, please?!